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60 capsules, lgd4033 – 12mg, mk-677 – 12 mg, YK-11 – 5mg, rad-150 – 5mg. BLACKLAB TURKISH SARMS


ESC-4 accelerates the body’s anabolic potential, provides the opportunity to gain a significant amount of muscle mass within a monthly course, speeds up the recovery process after intense workouts, and increases strength and endurance.

YK-11 – ensures an extreme increase in muscle mass with a sustained effect. This SARM blocks myostatin in your body, thereby opening up all pathways for insane muscle growth. This hormone prevents the excessive accumulation of muscle mass, serving as a protective measure for the body. By using the YK-11 supplement, you can prevent this process and expedite your growth.

LGD-4033 – a compound that enhances protein synthesis. All consumed calories from food will strictly contribute to the growth of muscle mass. You will observe significant progress in strength indicators, and recovery after intense workouts will accelerate. It helps individuals overcome various ailments like muscle atrophy and osteoporosis.

Rad-150 – is an extremely potent anabolic agent. In this combination, it takes a leading position and provides a substantial increase in strength indicators. Most importantly, after the application of the complex, all achieved results are retained.

MK-677 – is one of the finest growth hormone stimulators available in the market. Actively influences the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, contributing to overall body fortification. Enhances endurance, strength, and immunity. You shield your muscles from the negative impact of cortisol and can achieve the required level of muscle mass even faster.